VT: Sheriff Risks His Career by Hiring a Sex Offender 

Skill saws screamed, drowning out Top 40 country music tunes while two men labored to transform a run-down garage in the village of Hyde Park. The lead carpenter on the job, Timothy Szad, showed off his work in what will become an evidence room for the Lamoille County Sheriff’s Department. Szad, 56, explained that the gun racks he’s building will hold firearms that have been seized by police. To make sure the slots are the right size, he made a wooden replica of a pistol. Full Article

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that one of the best articles I’ve read. kudos to these people helping this guy it takes real guts to admit and confront sexual desires head on. people are so full of hate and inhuman it’s nice to see people reach out to this guy who is admitting he has a problem and continues to ask for help. I would love to talk about if being attracted to teenage girls is normal or no.I know it’s illegal to act on those impulses and thats my point if I felt I was going to there isabsolutely no one i could confide in no one and that’s sad because it sure the hel isn’t making our communities any safer when people are afraid to seek help or counseling because our judicial system and majority of citizens are heartless inhumane robots.

Very interesting article. I think this guy Szad is best working directly with the Sheriff there. It seems by admission, the “urge” still appears to hit Szad every now and then. That part is a bit scary for anyone who wants to see him integrate.

The point of the article that I can relate to is the need for the law enforcement community to be willing to engage directly with those who really do want to fit into society.

Personally, it’s been a long time since my incarceration, (yes…I’ve paid my debt)and my heart still skips a few beats every time I encounter law enforcement in any way.
I/we shouldn’t feel that way. You spend a good bit of your life being taught to trust the police.

Even if I see a police car going the opposite direction as me…I watch my mirror to see if he’s going to hang a U-turn and come right up behind me.

Should I think like this: a cop might pull me over and when he views his on-board computer…he could walk back to up my window, shoot me… and toss a weapon onto my passenger seat.

“Judge, he pulled a gun on me. I had to shoot him.”

It’s not paranoia. You just learn to not trust anyone when you are a RC.

But on the other hand, I really got to like most of the Probation Officers that I worked alongside during my time served. I spent 9 months with them 7 days a week.

I do like the way the Sheriff in Vermont says, “He served his time”. “Your hired”.

We do need more officers like him.